Dr. Vinay Kumar


Dr. Vinay Kumar Chauhan

Co-Founder, Director and CEO
  • PhD (Gold Medal) : Indian Institute of Science Bangalore


Vinay is an Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore alumnus with Ph.D. in Nano Science and Engineering. Bio-sensing technologies invented by Vinay are at the heart of PathShodh Healthcare. He brings in a rich experience of inventing and developing the novel technologies for biosensor applications. Vinay himself is a juvenile diabetic (IDDM. It has been Vinay’s motto to ease the burden of people suffering from chronic diseases and serve the society. In particular he appreciates the critical need for early diagnosis and management of Diabetes and its complications. His focus has been to invent out of the box solutions based on deep scientific exploration, and translating scientific innovations to products and serve the population at large. His research has resulted in multiple patents and novel technologies for diagnosis of various disease markers. Vinay has many research publications and patents to his credit and brings more than decade of experience in biosensor technologies.